Fair Marriage Foundation
Fair Marriage Foundation
Helping victims of sexual-orientation marriage fraud become informed so they can heal.
There are millions of straight spouses with stories to share. We are working on gathering a few for you to read.
Learn about the affects sexual-orientation marriage fraud has on spouses and children.
Informed is a brand new venture and we are excited to be a part of it. We will be helping spouses of sexual-orientation marriage fraud and their children to stay informed on our legislation. Our initial assessment indicated there are millions of straight spouse living in the United States. Once children and extended family members are added to the equation we may be looking at an estimated one-third of our country that a support group could reach.
Inform the Spouses Before It's Too Late!
Help Heal Our Broken Families!
Change the future for our children, grandchildren, and generations to come.
"become as little children"